Wednesday, 27 January 2016

wearing rudraksha first time

Before Rudraksha is worn on the body it needs to be sanctified and energized. We at Rudra life sanctify and energize (awaken) your Rudraksha by full Vedic rites before sending to you . Since we are based in India,  our overhead  costs are low . Thus we do not charge for blessings of Rudraksha which is this is done in Traditional Vedic Temple in Nagpur and some amount from our profit donated for the welfare of the Temple. The method of blessings which is done as underlined in our holy texts is given in on site.

In case you would like to sanctify the Rudraksha yourself, the simplest procedure is

Choose an auspicious day. Monday are Lord Shiva days and could be chosen.

Wash Rudraksha with un boiled milk and water.

Apply sandalwood paste on it. Offer Incense and flowers.

Chant "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times .

Chant the specific mantra of the mukhis minimum of 9 times.
One Mukhi 
"Om Hreem Namah". 

Two Mukhi 
"'Om Namah"

Three Mukhi 
"O Kleem Namah" 

Four Mukhi 
"Om Hreem Namah". 

Five Mukhi
"Om Hreem Namah" 

Six Mukhi
"Om Hreem Hum Namah". 

Seven Mukhi
"Om Hum Namah".

Eight Mukhi 
"Om Hum Namah" 

Nine Mukhi
"Om Hreem Hum Namah". 

Ten Mukhi
"Om Hreem Namaha"

Eleven Mukhi 
"Om Hreem Hum Namah".

Twelve Mukhi
"Om Krowm Kshowm Rowm Namah". 

Thirteen Mukhi
"Om Hreem Namah". 

Fourteen Mukhi
"Om Namah". 

"Om Namah Shivaya" Mantra can be used for all mukhi Rudraksha instead of above seed mantras.

Upon completion of the above described steps wear your Rudraksha chanting Om Namah Shivaye . The Rudraksha thus becomes divine, and creates a a divine Armour around it's worshipper and bestows health ,wealth and success. 

If you would like to enhance the effects of the different Rudraksha then the specific mantras for each of the Rudraksha could be repeated as often as you choose any time of the day . Also “Om Namah Shivaya “ or “Namah Shivaya” mantra energizes the Rudraksha beads when chanted with them .  Keep the beads as close to your skin as possible and not in sight or touch  of others. Rudraksha can also be kept in Puja room and prayed for benefit of whole family.

Additional Informations:

How long it takes to feel some effect?

Normally within 45 days of wearing Rudraksha rosary you can start feeling the positive change. In 90 days you can feel much better. Thereafter it will work continuously giving benefits.

How do we choose a good Rudraksha?

Many get confused with the shape and size. One should not seriously worry about it. Just see that the Mukhi is well defined, corns and contours are natural, and there are no cracks near the central hole. Smaller size is also considered to be very auspicious.
Every time you wear or remove your Rudraksha say om nama shivaya 3 times or 11 times.

Can ladies wear?

Yes, they can, barring those 4-5 days when nature is at work.
This rudraksha is suitable for all - men or women of any age or faith.

What are the precautions that need to be taken when wearing Rudraksha ?

Rudraksha should be taken off during sex, menstrual cycles, during visit to funeral grounds and also while visiting a newly born baby. It is advisable to take off the beads while taking bath as excess soap may dehydrate the natural oil content of the beads.

What is the average life span of a Rudraksha bead ?

A good quality Rudraksha can last for several years. If taken good care of, it can be passed on from generation to generation.

Can the family members keep interchanging Neck Mala, Japa Mala or Rudraksha beads ?

A sort of binding develops between the wearer of the Rudraksha bead and the bead itself therefore it should not be interchanged within the family members. But one is free to inherit the bead from the later generation.

Should Rudraksha be worn in a thread or silver or Gold metal ?

Rudraksha can be worn in anything according to the person's faith and is best if it is worn in a metal be it Silver, Gold, or Copper. When worn in metal the Electromagnetic powers of the bead increases. Thus increasing its effect.

What are the tests for the genuineness of a Rudraksha bead ?

There are many tests suggested to test the genuineness of a Rudraksha bead. But these tests cannot be relied upon always.Therefore the best way to check the genuineness of a Rudraksha bead is by consulting a reliable person.

Are Rudraksha Beads used only for Meditation? Is it meant only for people of certain background ?

Besides giving the user peace of mind, focus and concentration Rudrakasha beads prove to be a great help in curing physical illnesses. They are also said to have an anti ageing property. The rudraksha beads are found in number of varieties according to the number of facets on their surface. All these varieties have different Electromagnetic properties and thus show different effects. By wearing these beads one gets tranquility, peace of mind, focus and concentration. When worn around the neck they are said to control the blood pressure, hypertension, insomnia etc. Sometimes they are very effective in curing ailments of fever, pain etc, when taken as an oral drug. People of all religions, castes or creed can use these beads. There is no age or sex bar for their use until they are used under certain precautions.

Can one wear the combination of Different Mukhis at the same time?

A person can wear Rudraksha beads having a single type of Mukhi or a combination of several mukhis. Wearing a combination of several mukhis will bring all the different effects of them simultaneously to a person. Remember that wearing Rudraksha brings no harm to an individual.

How long it takes to feel some effect ?

A person can wear Rudraksha beads having a single type of Mukhi or a combination of several mukhis. Wearing a combination of several mukhis will bring all the different effects of them simultaneously to a person.Remember that wearing Rudraksha brings no harm to an individual.

What are the astrological purposes of Rudraksha ?

In a horoscope of a native, there are 9 main planets. Each planet has its own nature and character. There are 12 houses in the horoscope. The snapshot of the situation of these 9 planets in 12 houses (at the time of birth of the native) is called a Horoscope. 12 houses of the horoscope represent different aspects of the life of the native. These houses contain different numbers from 1 to 12. These numbers represents different Signs (e.g. 1 represent Aries, 5 represents Leo and 12 represent Pisces). Each sign has the lordship of particular planet (e.g. Aries, Leo and Pisces are under the Lordship of planet Mars, Sun and Jupiter respectively). Now, in astrology some planets are friends to each other, some planets are enemies to each other and some planets are average to each other. When a planet is situated in the sign of his friend planet, he use to give good results related to that house and if a planet is situated in the sign of his enemy planet, he use to cause tribulations related to that house.In general, astrologers use to suggest gems to the native to overcome the tribulations caused by the malefic planets or to enhance the positive results given by the benefic planet. But it is often seen, that a particular gem doesn't suit the native and starts giving tribulations. But as the Rudrakshas are believed to be always beneficial, it can be used for both kinds of planets, may it be benefic or malefic.

1 and 12 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Sun.
2 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Moon.
3 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Mars.
4 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Mercury.
5 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Jupiter.
6 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Venus.
7 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Saturn.
8 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Rahu.
9 faced (Mukhi) Rudraksha is related to planet Ketu.


This repressents Lord Shiva, the symbol of auspiciousness. The wearer of Five Mukhi mala gains health and peace. Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac ailments. Five Mukhi Rudraksha mala is also used for japa. By wearing the mala the wearer's mind remains peaceful. There is no suspcion about the fact that the wearer of Five Faced Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death. Its ruling Planet is Jupiter-Affects all major Chakra Points. Recommended for Bone Marrow,Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear disease of fact and Diabetes.

Ruling God : Kalaagni Rudra Ruling Planet : Jupiter Beeja Mantra : Om Hreem Namah

1 comment:

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