Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Sathguru Jaggi vasudev best Quotes

Sathguru Jaggi vasudev

Jaggi Vasudev, September 3, 1957 commonly known as "Sadhguru", is an Indian yogi, mystic, philanthropist and author of over 100 titles in 8 different languages

Sathguru Jaggi vasudev Quotes

1) The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind

2) Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally.

3) Being with a Master is never comfortable, because He will break all your limitations, all your ideologies.

4) Man needs  entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could  just sit  and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment

5) Till something becomes a reality in our life, if we talk about it, it amounts to lying. The whole world is lying to themselves and to everybody about God.

6) People have come to the conclusion that body means pain. And yet, just the right food, practices and a little change in attitude, and this body becomes a miracle.

7) Once the stillness comes into your life, then the mind also becomes absolutely still. When your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes.

8) You can be deeply involved with everything, but still not be identified with it any more.

9) When your happiness is dependant upon what is happening outside of you, constantly you live as a slave to the external situation.

10 )If you are truly a seeker of Truth, Truth can not hide from you. It is in the Lap of truth that you have happened. Most people who claim to be seekers are only seeking security, solace, or the fulfillment of their desires.

11) The moment you make a conclusion, as to what should be at the other end, you are no more a seeker you are a vested interest.

12) Do not try to live by morals, ethics, slogans. These are all very poor substitutes for awareness. Be couscous and aware, you will see life the way it is.

13) You’re just an imitation of what is around you, it’s just that you don’t imitate one person; you take bits and pieces of hundred people and make yourself.

14) Being with a Master is never comfortable, because He will break all your limitations, all your ideologies.

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